11 contributionsBack to Members
Xcircle is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 11 stories
- 0 guides
- 0 decks
- 0 hosted tournaments
- 0 podiums
- 0 won card contests
- 0 artworks
- 0 puzzles
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code updates
- 0 donations
- Xcircle has written a Shadowfen story called Broodmother Qordia.
Long ago, in our misty green swamps, the earth split open and released beasts of unknown power. Some of which, being us. Well, that story has been tol…
- Xcircle has written an Ironclad story called Delegators.
PROCESSING… [DATA LOGS FOUND] [INCIDENT REPORT #8256 HAS BEEN SELECTED] 4-6-•••• *OFFENSES:* Resisting detainment, Failure to show …
- Xcircle has written an Ironclad story called Greengale Serpents.
PROCESSING… [DATA LOGS FOUND] [FILE 3103 HAS BEEN SELECTED] 2-23-•••• It was long ago when the dragons arrived. They were awoken fr…
- Xcircle has written a Swarm story called Herald’s Hymn.
Hark! The herald song booms Undead lurch from underground tombs From the curse of death, life reborn Beings cast from bone, soul and horn …
- Xcircle has written a Neutral story called Powder Tower.
Just before the battle. Men coming off boats. Clattering metal. The battle has started Musket, shot, BANG Knights fall one by one …
- Xcircle has written a Neutral story called Snake Eyes.
The pirates I roam with love to gamble. It’s everywhere. Everything from menial chores, to attacks. … Want something someone else has? “I’ll roll …
- Xcircle has written a Shadowfen story called Soulcrushers.
“Yes men! We are ready for the fight! We march today! For glory! To defeat the enemy! Is it not what you have trained to do! Now who’s with me!” B…
- Xcircle has written a Shadowfen story called Toxic Sacrifice.
As the village doctor I find myself in all types of situations. A brick dropped on a foot, some sort of infection, telling some of the farmers that co…
- Xcircle has written a Winter story called Visions of the Grove.
*January 18:* I never expected myself to travel into the dwarves homelands. It reaches blistering colds in the winter and lacks food, water and shelte…
- Xcircle has written a Neutral story called Gifted Recruits.
I remember it as clear as yesterday. The smell, the taste, the sound, the blood. I stand alone. Face smeared with ash. I smell smoke. I taste the copp…
- Xcircle has written a Neutral story called Salty Outcasts.
The ravens squabbled back and forth trying to decide what to do to their raucous and brutal servants. They needed them to be violent yet subservient i…