Salty Outcasts
By Xcircle · 1 minuteBack to stories
The ravens squabbled back and forth trying to decide what to do to their raucous and brutal servants. They needed them to be violent yet subservient in order to effectively use them. A particular group was deemed incredibly aggressive and far too dangerous to keep in the camps and armies. And so they were exiled, to roam the now fractured world.
They didn’t take that very well.
Under the cover of darkness they broke down the gate that made the ravens feel so safe. Huts were set ablaze and religious sites were destroyed. Every raven found was executed. They massacred their rulers. When a patrol rolled through at dawn, they found smoldering huts, brutalized bodies and no trace of the culprits. Now that the ones who had abandoned them were slain, they had nothing to do but search for a new, stronger leader. Their brutality helped them achieve this. Nobody questioned the violence of the toads now.
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