Freedom Fight
By Oeni · BrawlBack to guides
Welcome to Oeni’s Brawl Gazette, “Freedom Fight” edition! If you are completely new to the Brawl, be sure to read the Brawl guide before moving on with this week’s challenge.
This week, all Toad units cost 2 mana, regardless of their initial mana cost.
Like all cost-reduction Brawls, this œne is all about timing and combos and a bit about hand RNG early on. For example, you want to combine playing Azure Hatchers immediately with Obsidian Butchers, before the opponent can capitalize on your frogs with their own butchers or Sharpfist Exiles. You want to combine your poison cards with Amberhides to make use of the drain buff before the opponent can. You always want to maintain your frontline to threaten with Salty Outcasts, and prevent the opponent from doing the same. That is a lot of plates to juggle and requires careful consideration which cards to play, cycle or hold.
When it comes to deck building, about half your deck is already spoken for by the good toads™ costing 4+ mana, which are too good to pass up. Azure Hatchers, Tode the Elevated, Amberhides, Obsidian Butchers, Hairy Chestnuts, Salty Outcasts and Sharpfist Exiles.
Add to that your choice of 3-cost toads from Limelimbs, Crimson Sentry or Heliotroopers, which are still good but more situational. Limelimbs is definitely worth it if you’ve got the levels, but be careful with Heliotroopers lest the opponent uses Amberhides on it. The 2-drops toads Brood Sages and Copperskin Rangers can provide some utility but since they already cost 2 do not provide additional value beyond their function. That leaves you with about 2-5 flex slots. Let’s look at some decks from the channel history what other players filled them with.
Check the featured decks for this brawl. You might find a deck that suits you, or that you can base your own creation on.
Possible Decks
Frostkhan’s Freedom Fight
Green Prototypes, Rain of Frogs, Confinement. Cheap 1-mana filler cards (do not consider Rain of Frogs unless it is level 5 and can be used for this purpose) to round out the awkward odd-mana turns, and Confinement as a tool against Sharpfist Exiles and Hairy Chestnuts.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 2Rain of Frogs5
- 3Confinement5
- 3Crimson Sentry5
- 3Heliotroopers5
- 4Azure Hatcher5
- 4Tode the Elevated5
- 5Amberhides5
- 5Obsidian Butchers5
- 6Hairy Chestnuts5
- 7Salty Outcasts5
- 7Sharpfist Exiles5
Critical Pancake’s deck
Green Prototypes, Toxic Sacrifice, Confinement,Freebooters. I doubt Toxic Sacrifice is worth running after the nerf, but Green Prototypes and Confinement are solid cards. Freebooters is an interesting choice in case your games drag beyond the 8 mana turn and you can always play your whole hand. I’m not sure that is a thing that happens often, but if your playclassName icss(s defensive it’s good to be) prepared.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 2Toxic Sacrifice5
- 3Confinement5
- 3Crimson Sentry5
- 3Freebooters5
- 4Azure Hatcher5
- 4Tode the Elevated5
- 5Amberhides5
- 5Obsidian Butchers5
- 6Hairy Chestnuts5
- 7Salty Outcasts5
- 7Sharpfist Exiles5
SeveralPeople’s deck
Green Prototypes, Summon Militia, Toxic Sacrifice, Confinement and Copperskin Ranger. We see a pattern emerging here, Copperskin Rangers are and interesting choice, but I doubt it’s still worth it now that Toxic Sacrifice costs 2 mana and is more awkward to combo with.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 1Summon Militia5
- 2Copperskin Ranger5
- 2Toxic Sacrifice5
- 3Confinement5
- 4Azure Hatcher5
- 4Tode the Elevated5
- 5Amberhides5
- 5Obsidian Butchers5
- 6Hairy Chestnuts5
- 7Salty Outcasts5
- 7Sharpfist Exiles5
Adig’s deck
Green Prototypes, Rain of Frogs, Toxic Sacrifice, Confinement, Westwind Sailors and Beasts of Terror. Again we have 3 1-mana cards to round out the curve, of which Toxic Sacrifice was nerfed, putting it into a very awkward mana-slot for this Brawl. But foregoing the 4-mana toads to run Westwind Sailors at 3 mana, an odd-cost without the poison drawback, and Beasts of Terror as an incredible (although considerably expensive in this Brawl) toad killer are very interesting choices.
Adig reported lossless to Mythic with this deck, and there are some carefully considered tech cards.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 2Rain of Frogs5
- 2Toxic Sacrifice5
- 3Confinement5
- 3Limelimbs5
- 3Westwind Sailors5
- 4Beasts of Terror5
- 5Amberhides5
- 5Obsidian Butchers5
- 6Hairy Chestnuts5
- 7Salty Outcasts5
- 7Sharpfist Exiles5
Use the Brawl calculator to plan your journey. To monitor your progress and keep track of your expenses during the Brawl, be sure to use the Brawl tracker.
Make sure to liberate the toads
Whichever tech you wield
Please don’t use satyrs or goats
I will see you on the battlefield!
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