3 contributionsBack to Members
SeveralPeople is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 0 stories
- 0 guides
- 3 decks
- 0 hosted tournaments
- 0 podiums
- 0 won card contests
- 0 artworks
- 0 puzzles
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code updates
- 0 donations
- SeveralPeople has set up a Winter deck with tags Brawl and Dwarves -2 mana called Zoo Run.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 2Lawless Herd5
- 3Confinement5
- 3Freebooters5
- 4Mystwives5
- 4Snowmasons5
- 5Rockworkers5
- 6Hearthguards5
- 6Wolfcloaks5
- 7Fleshmenders5
- 9Gift of the Wise5
Zoo RunBy SeveralPeople as Brawl and Dwarves -2 mana - SeveralPeople has set up a Winter deck with tags Brawl and Pirates =2 movement called Yaaahhr.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 1Summon Militia5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 2Lawless Herd5
- 2Northsea Dog5
- 3First Mutineer5
- 3Fort of Ebonrock5
- 3Freebooters5
- 3Westwind Sailors5
- 4Cabin Girls5
- 6Lucky Charmers5
- 9Gift of the Wise5
YaaahhrBy SeveralPeople as Brawl and Pirates =2 movement - SeveralPeople has set up a Swarm deck with tags Brawl and Satyrs +1 movement called Satyrs.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 1Summon Militia5
- 2Head Start5
- 2Lawless Herd5
- 2Restless Goats5
- 3Counselor Ahmi5
- 3Forgotten Souls5
- 3Fort of Ebonrock5
- 3Potion of Growth5
- 3Swarmcallers5
- 3Unhealthy Hysteria5
- 4Pan Heralds5
SatyrsBy SeveralPeople as Brawl and Satyrs +1 movement