Zoo Run by SeveralPeople
By SeveralPeople · Brawl and Dwarves -2 manaEdit deck
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 2Lawless Herd5
- 3Confinement5
- 3Freebooters5
- 2Mystwives5
- 2Snowmasons5
- 3Rockworkers5
- 4Hearthguards5
- 4Wolfcloaks5
- 5Fleshmenders5
- 9Gift of the Wise5
This deck (level ~5.00) is made of 12 cards: 10 units, 0 structure, and 2 spells. It contains 5 different races.
Its average speed is 0.83 cell on play. Its average mana cost is 3.33. 7 cards can be played as the first player (4 of them moving the front line), 9 as the second player (6 of them moving the front line).
Suggestions Learn more in the FAQ?
Lack of AoE: It doesn’t look like this deck includes any way to deal damage to multiple units at once. Consider bringing a card or card combo which can clean several units.
Inefficient Hearthguards: This deck includes Hearthguards but doesn’t include enough structures. Consider including more structures, a structure with a cost of 3 mana or less, or replacing it with Twilight Prowlers.
High mana curve: This deck’s mana curve appears to be a little high, making it likely to be overtaken by aggressive cheap decks. Consider balancing the cost of the cards a little more.