Books Calculator

What is this

This is a calculator to estimate the odds of getting fusion stones or a specific card when opening a certain book, as well as the average amount of coins based on your collection. Huge thanks to Neicigam (Neicigam#0095 on Discord) for helping with the math and the logic making this simulator possible. Learn more about how it works.

+ Advanced mode

Define how many different cards of any rarity you are looking for to know the odds of finding at least some of them when opening a Mythic Tome.

For instance, if you’re looking for a copy of Summon Militia, a copy of Ozone Purifiers and a copy of Collector Mirz, set 2 for “Common cards” and 1 for “Legendary cards”.


A Mythic Tome contains 6 cards and potentially some Fusion stones. It cannot yield more than a single copy of a single card.

The chances to draw are as follow:

  • 0% chance of pulling a common card
  • 0% chance of pulling a rare card
  • 70% chance of pulling a epic card
  • 30% chance of pulling a legendary card

Opening a Mythic Tome would yield:

  • 16.25% chances to draw fusion stones
  • An average of fusion stone 6.08 fusion stones
  • Potentially some coins depending on your collection

Book costs

Book nameBook cost
ruby 80 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 20 rubies
coin 100 coins
1 ad
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 90 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 50 rubies
ruby 120 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 60 rubies