By Xcircle · 1 minuteBack to stories
OFFENSES: Resisting detainment, Failure to show ID, Assault of a USC, possessing illegal weapons.
7:23 A.M USC‑32 and USC‑25 were dispatched to the meeting of 12th Street and 13th Street after reports of a suspicious‑looking rodent.
7:28 A.M USC‑32 and USC‑25 arrive on scene and make contact with the rodent.
7:29 A.M The rodent fails to present ID (see offenses)
7:30 A.M The rodent has been identified as Subject #4561. ‑This guy? Again? Seriously?‑
Subject #4561 then revealed sticks of dynamite (see offenses) and USC‑32 and USC‑25 activate termination protocol Sigma‑A and begin pursuing Subject #4561 (see offenses)
7:35 A.M Subject #4561 throws a stick of dynamite at USC‑25 resulting in damage to the legs and several motors (see offenses)
7:36 A.M USC‑32 activates offense protocol Alpha‑J and attacks Subject #4561 in an attempt to subdue him
7:37 A.M Subject #4561 throws another stick of dynamite at USC‑32 and subsequently damages the navigational processor of USC‑32, rendering it immobile (see offenses)
7:39 A.M USC‑32 and USC‑25 lose line of sight with subject #4561 and USC‑14 is dispatched to the scene
7:46 A.M USC‑14 arrives on scene. Subject #4561 cannot be located. USC‑14 begins search protocol
8:25 A.M Search protocol has ended. Incident concluded
Termination of subject y/[n]
Injury of subject [y]/n
Termination of civilian y/[n]
Injury of civilian y/[n]
Termination of USC y/[n]
Damage to USC [y]/n
Capture of subject y/[n]
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