15 contributions · KAT memberBack to Members
Pepegak is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 9 stories
- 1 guide
- 3 decks
- 0 hosted tournaments
- 0 podiums
- 1 won card contest
- 0 artworks
- 0 puzzles
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code updates
- 1 donation
Financial contributor
Pepegak is one of the generous contributors who can make Stormbound-Kitty a reality. Thank you and welcome to the KAT!
- Pepegak has written a Lore story called Built to Rule.
For 9 years now, the development of the new weapon has been going on at Ironclad. The best scientists are trying to solve the riddle of resurrection, …
- Pepegak has written a Lore story called The Pirate who changed Time.
Temples are the unknown of the Stormbound world. And more unknown remains only 1 structure, if you can call it that: the Temple of Time. The Temple of…
- Pepegak has written a playstyle guide called Blessed with Brawn Rush.
In this comprehensive guide, Pepegak teaches us how to play Blessed With Brawn Rush as well as its counters.
- Pepegak has issued a generous donation to Stormbound-Kitty.
- Pepegak has set up a Shadowfen deck with tags Regular called Convert and Go.
- 1Green Prototypes3
- 2Gifted Recruits3
- 2Rain of Frogs3
- 2Toxic Sacrifice3
- 3Crimson Sentry3
- 4Azure Hatcher3
- 4Clerics with Cords3
- 4Execution3
- 5Obsidian Butchers3
- 6Curse of Strings3
- 6Kindred’s Grace3
- 7Archdruid Earyn3
Convert and GoBy Pepegak as Regular - Pepegak has set up a Winter deck with tags High Levels and Rush called Brawn Zhevana variant.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 1Icicle Burst5
- 1Summon Militia5
- 2Frosthexers5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 2Lawless Herd5
- 3First Mutineer5
- 3Westwind Sailors5
- 4Mystwives5
- 4Spellbinder Zhevana5
- 4Terrific Slayers5
- 6Blessed with Brawn5
Brawn Zhevana variantBy Pepegak as High Levels and Rush - Pepegak has written a Swarm story called Invasion of the Iba dragons.
How beautiful is the city of Katran, one of the 5 “main” capitals of the Universe. This miracle is located in the Swarm of the East, on the shores of …
- Pepegak has set up a Winter deck with tags High Levels and Rush called Brawn Felflares variant.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 1Icicle Burst5
- 1Summon Militia5
- 2Frosthexers5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 2Lawless Herd5
- 3Felflares5
- 3First Mutineer5
- 4Execution5
- 4Mystwives5
- 4Terrific Slayers5
- 6Blessed with Brawn5
Brawn Felflares variantBy Pepegak as High Levels and Rush - Pepegak has written a Neutral story called Avian Stalkers.
*Avian Stalkers:* No one knows how they came to be. No one knows why they’re here. No one likes it when they show up. Especially enemies. Some elders,…
- Pepegak has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #14, themed Drawback) with a card called Bluemount Golems.
- Pepegak has written a Winter story called Earthfathers.
Do you know where the power of Earthfathers comes from? Maybe it is taken from the air, maybe they restore their strength with the Potion of Growth, a…
- Pepegak has written a Neutral story called Flooding the Gates.
Legend has it that the metals for this royal spell are mined in the dragon arena mines and near the Arkanspe mountains in the Winter kingdom. Thousand…
- Pepegak has written a Neutral story called Lich Summoners.
During the reign of the Knights and before the Great Awakening of Dragons in the Stormbound universe, there was nothing but undead. They inhabited all…
- Pepegak has written a Lore story called The Player.
Are you talking about the “Player”? They reached the highest, Diamond First, league. They can read our minds. They’re very good. Never gave up. When t…