15 contributionsBack to Members
MooreFunn is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 5 stories
- 1 guide
- 2 decks
- 0 hosted tournaments
- 0 podiums
- 6 won card contests
- 1 artwork
- 0 puzzles
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code updates
- 0 donations
- MooreFunn has written a playstyle guide called Pirate Guide.
In this comprehensive guide, MooreFunn tells us how to conquer the seas with pirate cards! From composing an efficient deck to countering specific situations, you should learn everything you need to know to master pirate gameplay.
- MooreFunn has written a Swarm story called Beast’s Reign.
“My velvet skin as my coverin’, I will fight for all my kin, As I brush through the desert sand, I trek this land with my axe in hand. --- The multitu…
- MooreFunn has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #15, themed In-hand effects) with a card called Frost Leviathan.
- MooreFunn has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #13, themed Echo Echo) with a card called Deathly Contagion.
Week #13 – Echo Echo
Deathly Contagion
Ability: On play, if there is a bordering friendly structure, return this card to your hand
- MooreFunn has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #11, themed Overkill) with a card called Silveredge savage.
Week #11 – Overkill
Silveredge savage
Ability: On play, deal *4 damage* to the weakest enemy. Deal all extra to the enemy's strongest unit
- MooreFunn has made some art.
+ Toggle art display
- MooreFunn has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #10, themed Spell Focus) with a card called Thistlerobe Acolyte.
Week #10 – Spell Focus
Thistlerobe Acolyte
Ability: On play, randomly *cast* a spell from your deck that costs 4 or less
- MooreFunn has written a Lore story called About the Unbound.
Dear Sir Edrik, The new recruits have been trained and are ready to see first combat. I have confidence in these few, they seem rather gifted. …
- MooreFunn has set up a Swarm deck with tags Regular called MakeWay4OurLady.
- Green Prototypes
- Gifted Recruits
- Northsea Dog
- Counselor Ahmi
- First Mutineer
- Freebooters
- Westwind Sailors
- Cabin Girls
- Goldgrubbers
- Bluesail Raiders
- Snake Eyes
- Lucky Charmers
MakeWay4OurLadyBy MooreFunn as Regular - MooreFunn has written a Lore story called Transportation.
Dear Sir Edrik, I have been preparing for your speech to the new recruits, and I even added in important information about cleanliness and person…
- MooreFunn has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #17, themed Love/Hate) with a card called Compelling Slacker.
Week #17 – Love/Hate
Compelling Slacker
Ability: Before attacking a unit, remove its on death or on attack abilities
- MooreFunn has written a Neutral story called Siege Breakers.
This is what they are, tortured souls, longing to forget. Bitten by the cold between their hooves, the satyr stood no chance. The fur on their ba…
- MooreFunn has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #1, themed Strength in Numbers) with a card called Auxiliary Evokes.
Week #1 – Strength in Numbers
Auxiliary Evokes
Ability: Before attacking a unit, summon 5 poisoned toads with 1 strength surrounding that unit