15 contributions · KAT memberBack to Members
Derk is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 0 stories
- 2 guides
- 1 deck
- 2 hosted tournaments
- 9 podiums
- 0 won card contests
- 0 artworks
- 0 puzzles
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code updates
- 1 donation
Financial contributor
Derk is one of the generous contributors who can make Stormbound-Kitty a reality. Thank you and welcome to the KAT!
- Derk has set up an Ironclad deck with tags Regular called Unstable Guards.
- 1Green Prototypes3
- 2Destructobots3
- 2Gifted Recruits3
- 2Spare Dragonling3
- 2Unstable Build3
- 2Wild Saberpaws3
- 3Greengale Serpents3
- 3Linked Golems3
- 4Edrik the Fierce3
- 4Embers of Chaos3
- 4Scrapped Planners3
- 6Hearthguards3
Unstable GuardsBy Derk as Regular - Derk has issued a generous donation to Stormbound-Kitty.
- Derk has written an essentials guide called Intro to Equals.
In this short introduction to Equals mode, Derk goes through what to expect, the main difference with ranked, and some tips and tricks to perform.
- Derk has won the 🥇 gold medal in Buffet Tournament.
+ Toggle deck display
- 2Dubious Hags1
- 2Spare Dragonling1
- 3Heliotroopers1
- 3Personal Servers1
- 3Rain of Frogs1
- 3Wandering Wyrms1
- 4Witches of the Wild1
- 5Flameless Lizards1
- 5Sunbeam Serpents1
- 6Broodmother Qordia1
- 6Twilight Prowlers1
- 8High Priestess Klaxi1
- Derk has won the 🥇 gold medal in Choose Your Poison Joust.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1Green Prototypes1
- 2Spare Dragonling1
- 3Collector Mirz1
- 3Yowling Weavers1
- 4Beasts of Terror1
- 4Mystwives1
- 5Laurus, King in Exile1
- 5Trueshot Post1
- 6Dawnsparks1
- 6Tegor the Vengeful1
- 6Twilight Prowlers1
- 8Crazy Bombers1
- Derk has won, alongside Wolf, the 🥉 bronze medal in Attack & Defend Tournament.
- Derk has won, alongside FrozenEarth, the 🥈 silver medal in Reckless Draft 2.
+ Toggle deck display
- 2Ozone Purifiers1
- 2Sweetcap Kittens1
- 3Collector Mirz1
- 3Hair-Raising Cats1
- 4Beasts of Terror1
- 4Execution1
- 4Scrapped Planners1
- 5Agents in Charge1
- 5Debug Loggers1
- 5Fluffy Badboxers1
- 5Siege Assembly1
- 5Voidsurgers1
- Derk has organized, alongside ArthisRoo, Snowball Tournament.
The Snowball tournament relies on not playing any card before 6 mana (7 for the second player). The goal of the tournament was to compose heavy decks, which can start strong right from the opening move.
- Derk has won the 🥇 gold medal in Renaissance Tournament.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1Green Prototypes1
- 2Dubious Hags1
- 3Felflares1
- 3Fort of Ebonrock1
- 3Rain of Frogs1
- 4Goldgrubbers1
- 4Lich Summoners1
- 4Snowmasons1
- 5Obsidian Butchers1
- 6Powder Tower1
- 6Tegor the Vengeful1
- 6Victors of the Melee1
- Derk has won the 🥈 silver medal in Battle Week.
- Derk has won the 🥈 silver medal in Designers Tournament.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1Green Prototypes1
- 2Destructobots1
- 2Spare Dragonling1
- 3Conflicted Drakes1
- 3Linked Golems1
- 4Embers of Chaos1
- 4Finite Loopers1
- 4Melodious Sisters1
- 4Scrapped Planners1
- 4Windmakers1
- 6Beards of Crowglyph1
- 6Twilight Prowlers1
- Derk has won the 🥉 bronze medal in Ban Tourney 1.
+ Toggle deck display
- 1Summon Militia1
- 2Destructobots1
- 3Felflares1
- 3Linked Golems1
- 3Upgrade Point1
- 4Finite Loopers1
- 4Melodious Sisters1
- 5Debug Loggers1
- 5Flaming Stream1
- 6Armed Schemers1
- 6Delegators1
- 7Salty Outcasts1