Das Ist Der Pump by OVRDRV
By OVRDRV · High LevelsEdit deck
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 1Summon Militia5
- 2Destructobots5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 2Ozone Purifiers5
- 2Unstable Build5
- 2Wild Saberpaws5
- 3Greengale Serpents5
- 3Linked Golems5
- 3Unhealthy Hysteria5
- 4Scrapped Planners5
- 6Hearthguards5
This deck (level ~5.00) is made of 12 cards: 9 units, 1 structure, and 2 spells. It contains 6 different races.
Its average speed is 0.83 cell on play. Its average mana cost is 2.58. 9 cards can be played as the first player (6 of them moving the front line), 10 as the second player (7 of them moving the front line).
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Light deck: This deck has an average mana cost of 2.58, which might be a little low. Consider including one or two more expensive cards to be able to power through long games.