Aspic Offspring by FrozenEarth

By FrozenEarth · High LevelsEdit deck

  • 1 mana1
    Green PrototypesGreen Prototypes5
  • 2 mana2
    Dubious HagsDubious Hags5
  • 2 mana2
    Gifted RecruitsGifted Recruits5
  • 3 mana3
    Crimson SentryCrimson Sentry5
  • 3 mana3
    Fort of EbonrockFort of Ebonrock5
  • 3 mana3
    Hunter’s VengeanceHunter’s Vengeance5
  • 4 mana4
    Edrik the FierceEdrik the Fierce5
  • 4 mana4
    Witches of the WildWitches of the Wild5
  • 5 mana5
    Fluffy BadboxersFluffy Badboxers5
  • 6 mana6
    Broodmother QordiaBroodmother Qordia5
  • 6 mana6
    Twilight ProwlersTwilight Prowlers5
  • 7 mana7
    Call for AidCall for Aid5

This deck (level ~5.00) is made of 12 cards: 9 units, 1 structure, and 2 spells. It contains 6 different races.

Its average speed is 0.67 cell on play. Its average mana cost is 3.83. 6 cards can be played as the first player (4 of them moving the front line), 8 as the second player (5 of them moving the front line).

Lack of finisher: This deck doesn’t have a finisher, also known as a win-condition. Try including one or more runners, heavy strikers or cards doing chip damage to the base.

High mana curve: This deck’s mana curve appears to be a little high, making it likely to be overtaken by aggressive cheap decks. Consider balancing the cost of the cards a little more.