Dark Harvest
By DoppleFock · 1 minuteBack to stories
Nearly all members of the Swarm are trained in what is known as the “Harvest”, a martial art that incorporates the use of a scythe to swiftly dismember or decapitate one’s enemies. On the battlefield, the swarm use this the technique in swift hit‑and‑run tactics that leave the victims severely mutilated. Oddly enough, the same gruesome practice is also used in farming as a means to harvest the vast fields of magical grain that surround their cities.
Throughout the years, I’ve made numerous attempts to learn the way of the scythe , but soon realized my lance served me much better. However, there are rumors about an esteemed few who have mastered the deadly art. An esteemed few I wish to never cross.
—Journal excerpt by Andrus Vaen, Swarm mercenary
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