Important iOS notice
By Kitty · Official · 01/2021Back to releases
Important notice for iOS guest players! If you do not play on iOS or if you play on iOS with your own registered account, this announcement does not impact you. You’re good to go, enjoy your day!
An important maintenance procedure will be happening January 21st. As a result, all iOS guest accounts may be jeopardized and all progress might be lost.
To prevent progress loss, please make sure you are logged in with Kongregate or the game has been started with Apple’s Game Center turned on. Sheepyard will not be able to recover your game progress otherwise.
One more time for the people at the back: if you play with a guest account on iOS, make sure to log in with Kongregate or with Apple’s Game Center enabled before January 21st otherwise you will be losing all your game progress.
While I have your attention, please wear a mask and avoid unnecessary travels—especially if you live in an area with rampant COVID-19 cases. It takes everyone’s effort to slow down this pandemic. Do the right thing. 🙏