Update 10-2020
By Kitty · Official · 10/2020Back to releases
The long awaited “Friendly Matches update” from Sheepyard is finally here, and it brings a lot of new things on the table. As always, I’m feeling very excited and honored to be able to announce the changes in exclusivity.
New Cards
As announced back in July, this update introduces two new cards aiming at buffing the confusion mechanic: Slyboots (available as soon as October 1st) and Excited Mousers (which will only be available from October 15th onwards).

On play, confuse up to 1 bordering enemy units and force it to move

On play, confuse up to 1 bordering enemy units and force it to move

On play, confuse up to 2 bordering enemy units and force them to move

On play, confuse up to 2 bordering enemy units and force them to move

On play, confuse up to 3 bordering enemy units and force them to move

If you would like to put your hands on this card immediately, a $9.99 one-time limited pack grants 5 copies of Slyboots, making it possible to get it level 2 right away. It also offers 750 coins and
5 fusion stones.

On play confuse the same number of surrounding enemies, as there are friendly units on the board

On play confuse the same number of surrounding enemies, as there are friendly units on the board

On play confuse the same number of surrounding enemies, as there are friendly units on the board

On play confuse the same number of surrounding enemies, as there are friendly units on the board

On play confuse the same number of surrounding enemies, as there are friendly units on the board

Additionally, a new card from a new race makes its entrance: Stoic Protectors, an ancient card bringing a whole new mechanic into the landscape (which will come out 2 weeks after Excited Mouser).

Before moving, disable the ability of 1 surrounding enemy unit

Before moving, disable the ability of 2 surrounding enemy units

Before moving, disable the ability of 2 surrounding enemy units

Before moving, disable the ability of 3 surrounding enemy units

Before moving, disable the ability of 4 surrounding enemy units

Balance Changes
Following on Sheepyard’s commitment to tweak some cards on a regular basis, this update is no exception and changes 12 cards, mostly to buff them.
- Doctor Mia’s ability now affects surrounding structures at level 2 instead of bordering only, all at level 4 instead of surrounding only, and has +1 strength at level 3 and to differentiate level 2 and level 3.
- Scrapped Planners’ strength is increased by 1 (from 3/4/5/6/7 to 4/5/6/7/8) but their ability remains the same.
- Booming Professors no longer have initial movement (down from 1).
- Siegebreakers now have 1 movement (up from 0), and their ability affect surrounding structures instead of bordering only.
- Voidsurgers’ ability now triggers when having at least 2 surrounding enemies instead of bordering only.
- Kindred’s Grace now grants more strength to the main target (from 5/6/6/8/10 to 6/7/7/9/11).
- Avian Stalkers’ mana cost is now 6 (down from 7).
- Hair-Raising Cats’ ability now triggers for a surrounding enemy instead of bordering only.
- Bigthrust Tigers’ mana cost is now 2 (down from 3) but their strength is now 1/2/3/4/5 (down from 3/4/5/6/7).
- Laurus, King in Exile’s ability strength limit is increased by 1 (from 3/4/5/6/7 to 4/5/6/7/8).
- Dark Harvest now affects enemy surrounding a friendly unit instead of bordering only.
- Toxic Sacrifice’s mana cost is now 2 (up from 1) but deals one more damage (from 1/2/3/4/5 to 2/3/4/5/6).
As usual, some compensation in the form of coins and fusion stones will be provided to owners of , proportional to the level and rarity of the card. Find below the compensation values for each rarity and level.
Common card:
10 coins at level 2,
20 coins and
1 fusion stone at level 3,
50 coins and
2 fusion stones at level 4,
120 coins and
5 fusion stones at level 5.
Rare card:
15 coins and
2 fusion stones at level 2,
30 coins and
3 fusion stones at level 3,
90 coins and
7 fusion stones at level 4,
190 coins and
10 fusion stones at level 5.
Epic card:
15 coins and
2 fusion stones at level 2,
40 coins and
5 fusion stones at level 3,
120 coins and
10 fusion stones at level 4,
250 coins and
20 fusion stones at level 5.
Legendary card:
1 fusion stone at level 1,
20 coins and
5 fusion stones at level 2,
50 coins and
10 fusion stones at level 3,
150 coins and
20 fusion stones at level 4,
300 coins and
50 fusion stones at level 5.
Friendly matches settings
It has been announced and snapshot a few times on Discord over the last few weeks so it’s no longer a surprise for many of you: advanced friendly matches are coming!
When starting a friendly match with an in-game friend, it is now possible to:
- cap the level of cards (from 1 to 5)
- cap the fortress level (1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20)
- pick the starting mana (1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24)
- set up a turn counter (10, 20 or 30; with possibility of ties as shown in the video below)
- apply Brawl modifiers
Not all these settings are available to all players. They get unlocked as one progresses throughout the game.

Social panel
The “social panel” has been hyped a few times on Discord over the last few weeks, and is a good testament of Sheepyard’s intents to grow the game and its community.
It features Discord, Reddit, Stormbound-Kitty (needless to say I’m deeply honored to be featured in the game), the Stormbound Wiki (by FrozenEarth) and social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).
Connecting with Stormbound on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will grant 10 rubies for each, so
30 rubies total. Not bad for just a few taps!
Additionally, there will be many more UI improvements aiming at making the game overall better.

Vanishing Packs

For those of you who are not against putting a few Real-Life Coins™ in the game every now and then, you will be pleased to know that there are now many more packs called vanishing packs.
Every day, every week, and every month (client local time 9AM), you will be offered one random resource pack and one random card pack (amongst the existing ones).
All daily packs cost $1.99, all weekly packs cost $9.99 and all monthly packs cost $29.99. These packs can be bought only once per period and are specific to your shop.
The exhaustive list of all existing packs will be released at a later stage.
- When will the new cards be available in game?
- Slyboots will be available as of October 1st, Excited Mousers from October 15th onwards, and Stoic Protectors 2 weeks after that.
- Why the first Brawl milestone reward a Classic Tome and not a Humble book as usual?
- This is a minor bug and will stay like this for this week but will be fixed for the next Brawl.
- How come I received 300 coins?
- Anyone logging into the game before October 2nd 11:59pm CET will be awarded 300 coins. This is a global compensation to apologize for the multiple hotfixes interrupting the game on October 1st, particularly Brawl matches.
- Why are level 2 and level 3 of Doctor Mia the same?
- This is a known oversight and will be addressed soon..