7 contributionsBack to Members
HurgusBurgus is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 7 stories
- 0 guides
- 0 decks
- 0 hosted tournaments
- 0 podiums
- 0 won card contests
- 0 artworks
- 0 puzzles
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code updates
- 0 donations
- HurgusBurgus has written a Swarm story called Doppelbocks.
A surprisingly smart satyr formation, the “Dopplebocks” formation consists of two contingents of satyrs forming a column, with the second rushing forw…
- HurgusBurgus has written a Swarm story called Grim Couriers.
The undead are a gifted species in this world, bound by the storm. Theirs is a body lacking in muscle. Because of this, they're light and unrelenting,…
- HurgusBurgus has written a Neutral story called Harvesters of Souls.
Theirs is a magic considered an atrocity, by the traditions of the Swarm, duplication of ones physical form and individuality by way of extracting the…
- HurgusBurgus has written a Swarm story called Head Start.
The satyrs, for all their simplicity and flaws, are some of the best runners outside of the storm, second only to the undead. The fastest of satyrs ar…
- HurgusBurgus has written a Neutral story called Summon Militia.
When Edrik needs a temporary defense circuit, or perhaps a small police force, this is his answer. Most fielding knights will be placed in the Militia…
- HurgusBurgus has written a Neutral story called Trueshot Post.
The trueshot posts are monumental defensive posts, shaped in memory of an unknown knight of veritable legend, who roamed the frontier and islands with…
- HurgusBurgus has written a Neutral story called Warfront Runners.
After seeing the endurance and speed of the grim couriers, Edrik thought to himself how a division of scouts would supplement his knights on the warfr…