Noble Coalition
By Oeni · BrawlBack to guides
Welcome to Oeni’s Brawl Gazette, “Noble Coalition” edition! If you are completely new to the Brawl, be sure to read the Brawl guide before moving on with this week’s challenge.
This week, all Feline units benefit from an extra +2 strength on top of their initial strength.
Felines are still somewhat new, so the last time around only very few players had the cats at an exceptional level. Most players ran their main deck with a small sprinkling of the better cats like Wild Saberpaws. This might still be a viable strategy to deck-building since +2 strength is not a whole lot, especially if cats are at a lower level than the rest of your collection.
Check the featured decks for this brawl. You might find a deck that suits you, or that you can base your own creation on.
Possible Decks
Critical Pancake’s Cat Butcher
Take advantage of the above-curve power level of the cheap cats, apply pressure, frontline, and the usual shadowfen control shenanigans and eventually finish either with butchers or the sweetcap+HRC combo.
Critical Pancake is one of my favorite deckbuilders every week and my own Brawl decks are usually very close to his. Could switch Blood Ministers for Twilight Prowlers, since more cats might now have outgrown the Minister’s reach.
- 2Bigthrust Tigers3
- 2Dubious Hags4
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 2Rain of Frogs4
- 2Sweetcap Kittens4
- 2Toxic Sacrifice5
- 2Wild Saberpaws4
- 3Hair-Raising Cats4
- 4Azure Hatcher4
- 4Witches of the Wild5
- 5Obsidian Butchers4
- 6Blood Ministers4
The_Mirc’s Swarm Cat Runners
Looks like a solid deck even besides the fact that it is maxed. Early aggression and eventually finding lethal with lots of cheap runners or Forgotten Souls should be easy. This is Rapid Mousers’ time to shine, if you like wasting good coins on an otherwise terrible card.
The rest of the decks last time were largely just normal D1 or ladder decks with Wild Saberpaws, normal Swarm and Shadowfen rush decks or the now nerfed Queen of Herds and not really worth mentioning. Not to say they are not viable (except for Queen, the Queen is dead), I’m just hoping we see more interesting cat decks this time around, maybe even utilizing the recently buffed Fluffy Badboxers which ought to finally get some time in the spotlight.
- 1Green Prototypes5
- 2Bigthrust Tigers5
- 2Doppelbocks5
- 2Gifted Recruits5
- 2Restless Goats5
- 2Wild Saberpaws5
- 3First Mutineer5
- 3Forgotten Souls5
- 4Rapid Mousers5
- 4Razor-Sharp Lynxes5
- 5Laurus, King in Exile5
- 6Twilight Prowlers5
Use the Brawl calculator to plan your journey. To monitor your progress and keep track of your expenses during the Brawl, be sure to use the Brawl tracker.
See you on the battlefield! If you have any comment or suggestion, get in touch with oeni#7266 on Discord.
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